Deye MQTT HA Plugin
This plugin enables Home Assistant to automatically discover all values published by the "Deye Solar Inverter MQTT Bridge".
Energy usage diagram provided by Home Assistant filled with data from a "Deye solar inverter MQTT bridge":
This integration can read and update the active power regulation feature's value if it's enabled. However, reading and updating the "time of use" (ToU) configuration has not been implemented yet.
Install Deye solar inverter MQTT bridge
Expand the Deye Solar Inverter MQTT Bridge configuration file
with a customized version of this section:# Home Assistant Integration # ========================== PLUGINS_ENABLED=deye_plugin_ha_discovery DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_HA_MQTT_PREFIX=homeassistant DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_INVERTER_MANUFACTURER=<your manufacturer> DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_INVERTER_MODEL=<your inverter> # Topics not published to HA # Use : as separator, supports Unix shell-style wildcards *, ?, [seq] and # [!seq] as implemented with Python fnmatch, DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_IGNORE_TOPIC_PATTERNS=uptime:ac/relay_status:*/pv[234]/* # If the sensor value isn't updated for DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_EXPIRE_AFTER seconds, it'll expire / be marked as "unavailable" in HA # It must be greater than DEYE_DATA_READ_INTERVAL or DEYE_PUBLISH_ON_CHANGE_MAX_INTERVAL (if used) # If the value is not defined, sensor values never expire DEYE_HA_PLUGIN_EXPIRE_AFTER=600
Install the plugin from
directory as described in "How to start the docker container with custom plugins" and recreate the container to activate the changes inconfig.env
, as a simple restart of the container will not do this. -
Switch to the Home Assistant and install Utility Meter
Configure a Utility Meter helper to reset the daily production counter at midnight.
# Example configuration.yaml entry utility_meter: energy: name: "Production total (daily reset)" source: sensor.deye_inverter_mqtt_production_total cycle: daily
or graphically
- Deye solar inverter MQTT bridge version 2024.11.1 or newer
Ensure that the container
has the required minimum version -
Check if the plugin has been loaded.
docker logs deye-mqtt
When starting the container after loading this plugin, a message similar to the following line should appear in the container log.
DeyePluginLoader - INFO - Loading plugin: 'deye_plugin_ha_discovery'
If this line does not appear, you should check the installation of the plugin.
Check log of the
container for errors.On demand increase the detail of the logging in
and restart the container. -
Checking the content published in the MQTT broker. You can use a graphical tool such as the MQTT Explorer for this.
- Add support for the first binary_sensor - on/off-grid status (by @daniel-deptula)
- Add support for the "expire_after" parameter for all sensors (by @daniel-deptula)
- Add support for SG01HP3 inverters by @daniel-deptula
- Add support for sensor device class "enum" by @daniel-deptula
- Add support for active power regulation
- Internal code changes
- Use new public API to create MQTT topic (requires Deye solar inverter MQTT bridge at least version 2024.11.1)
- Add device classes for total_energy_bought and daily_energy_sold
- Fix wrong unit for uptime sensor
- README extended
- All energy topics uses state class "total_increasing" now
- Add more MQTT topics
- first release
Known Bugs/Issues
Check the project issue tracker for current open bugs. New bugs can be reported there also.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
Copyright (c) 2024,2025 Carsten Grohmann, mail <add at here>
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Carsten Grohmann