Share and Money Management 0.18devel
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NconfigThe configuration module handles configuration entries stored in a file
 NdialogsImplementation of the logic behind the dialogs
 NhelperFunctions to support GUI functions e.g
 NlogThis module provides an own logger class as well as specific functions to improve Pythons logging facility
 Nmako_filtersAdditional filters for Mako templete engine
 NpanelThe panel classes presents various information to the user
 NreportsCreate detailed reports about of positions or according to the calendar
 CMainWindowMain window of our application
 CSMMGuiApplication main class
 NdatabaseFunctions to create, open and close the database as well as the db schema and the initial data set
 Ndb_setupDatabase schema and the initial data set as well as functions to set up a fresh database using the schema and initial data set
 NmathMathematical functions
 NobjectsAll data classes using STORM
 NquoteFunctions to import and register data tracker modules