Share and Money Management 0.18devel
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cgui.helper.ReverseDictA dictionary which can look up values by key, and keys by value
 Cgui.controls.BaseListSmallBase class for a simple list to fill with elements of smm.objects
 Cgui.controls.PositionListSmallClass to simplify creating and controlling of Position lists
 Cgui.controls.TransactionListSmallClass to simplify creating and controlling of Transaction lists
 Cgui.controls.GeneralPanelConfigGeneric functions to save and restore the state of a panel
 Cgui.controls.SortedListPanelBase class of a panel with a sortable list inside
 Cgui.dialogs.DlgPositionReportDialog to select a position using different filter criteria
 Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionDetailsPanel to show all open positions
 Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionListPanel to show all open positions
 Cgui.panel.PanelWatchListPanel to show all open positions
 Cgui.controls.PopupMenuMixinMixin to handle pop-up menus
 Cgui.panel.PanelIndexPanel to show and maintain all indices
 Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionListPanel to show all open positions
 Cgui.panel.PanelSharePanel to show and maintain all shares
 Cgui.panel.PanelTransactionPanel to show and maintain all transactions
 Cgui.log.ExceptionFormatterExtended formatter to include more exception details automatically
 Cgui.log.StringHandlerStores the log records as a list of strings
 Csmm.quote.base.FetchPluginBaseBase class of all quotation classes
 Csmm.quote.onvista.OnvistaFetchPluginShare data tracker querying quotes using OnVista service
 Csmm.quote.raiffeisen.RaiffeisenFetchPluginShare data tracker querying quotes of Raiffeisen fonds
 Csmm.quote.vwd.VwdFetchPluginShare data tracker querying finance data provided by VWD AG data tracker querying Yahoo finance data data tracker querying Yahoo finance data data tracker querying Yahoo finance data
 Csmm.objects.SMMBaseObjectBase class for all database related classes
 Ctests.test_database.TestDatabaseTest creation and initial load into a SQLite database
 Ctests.test_gui.TestGuiTest processing of masked for maskededit controls
 Ctests.test_maskededit.TestMaskedTest for wx.lib.masked.MaskedEditMixin._processMask
 Ctests.test_math.TestMathTest mathematical functions out of smm.math
 Ctests.test_misc.TestMiscTest basic functionality with all objects from smm.objects
 Ctests.test_objects.TestObjectsTest basic functionality with all objects from smm.objects
 Cgui.SMMGuiApplication main class
 Cgui.controls.BaseChoiceA class derivated from the wx.Choice widget to filling with a set of objects
 Cgui.controls.BaseDialogGeneric functions for all dialogs
 Cgui.dialogs.DlgShowPortfolioReportOpen an HTML dialog and show a portfolio report
 Cgui.dialogs.DlgShowPositionReportOpen an HTML dialog and show a position report
 Cgui.controls.SortedListCtrlSortable ListCtrl
 Cgui.controls.SortedListCtrlSortable ListCtrl
 Cgui.MainWindowMain window of our application
 Cgui.controls.PositionDetailsPanelA panel to show all information of a position
 Cgui.controls.ShareDetailsPanelA panel to show all information about a share
 Cgui.controls.SortedListPanelBase class of a panel with a sortable list inside
 Cgui.controls.WatchDetailsPanelA panel to show all information of a watch list entry
 Cgui.controls.BaseValidatorBase class for all validators