Share and Money Management 0.18devel
▼Cdict | |
Cgui.helper.ReverseDict | A dictionary which can look up values by key, and keys by value |
▼Cgui.controls.BaseListSmall | Base class for a simple list to fill with elements of smm.objects |
Cgui.controls.PositionListSmall | Class to simplify creating and controlling of Position lists |
Cgui.controls.TransactionListSmall | Class to simplify creating and controlling of Transaction lists |
▼Cgui.controls.GeneralPanelConfig | Generic functions to save and restore the state of a panel |
►Cgui.controls.SortedListPanel | Base class of a panel with a sortable list inside |
Cgui.dialogs.DlgPositionReport | Dialog to select a position using different filter criteria |
Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionDetails | Panel to show all open positions |
Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionList | Panel to show all open positions |
Cgui.panel.PanelWatchList | Panel to show all open positions |
▼Cgui.controls.PopupMenuMixin | Mixin to handle pop-up menus |
Cgui.panel.PanelIndex | Panel to show and maintain all indices |
Cgui.panel.PanelOpenPositionList | Panel to show all open positions |
Cgui.panel.PanelShare | Panel to show and maintain all shares |
Cgui.panel.PanelTransaction | Panel to show and maintain all transactions |
▼Clogging.Formatter | |
Cgui.log.ExceptionFormatter | Extended formatter to include more exception details automatically |
▼Clogging.handlers.MemoryHandler | |
Cgui.log.StringHandler | Stores the log records as a list of strings |
▼Csmm.quote.base.FetchPluginBase | Base class of all quotation classes |
Csmm.quote.onvista.OnvistaFetchPlugin | Share data tracker querying quotes using OnVista service |
Csmm.quote.raiffeisen.RaiffeisenFetchPlugin | Share data tracker querying quotes of Raiffeisen fonds |
Csmm.quote.vwd.VwdFetchPlugin | Share data tracker querying finance data provided by VWD AG | | Share data tracker querying Yahoo finance data | | Share data tracker querying Yahoo finance data | | Share data tracker querying Yahoo finance data |
▼CStorm | |
►Csmm.objects.SMMBaseObject | Base class for all database related classes |
▼Cunittest.TestCase | |
Ctests.test_database.TestDatabase | Test creation and initial load into a SQLite database |
Ctests.test_gui.TestGui | Test processing of masked for maskededit controls |
Ctests.test_maskededit.TestMasked | Test for wx.lib.masked.MaskedEditMixin._processMask |
Ctests.test_math.TestMath | Test mathematical functions out of smm.math |
Ctests.test_misc.TestMisc | Test basic functionality with all objects from smm.objects |
Ctests.test_objects.TestObjects | Test basic functionality with all objects from smm.objects |
▼Cwx.App | |
Cgui.SMMGui | Application main class |
▼Cwx.Choice | |
►Cgui.controls.BaseChoice | A class derivated from the wx.Choice widget to filling with a set of objects |
▼Cwx.Dialog | |
►Cgui.UIFetchQuotes.UIFetchQuotes | |
►Cgui.UIHtml.UIHtml | |
►Cgui.UIPortfolioReport.UIPortfolioReport | |
►Cgui.UIPositionReport.UIPositionReport | |
►Cgui.UIPreferences.UIPreferences | |
►Cgui.controls.BaseDialog | Generic functions for all dialogs |
Cgui.dialogs.DlgShowPortfolioReport | Open an HTML dialog and show a portfolio report |
Cgui.dialogs.DlgShowPositionReport | Open an HTML dialog and show a position report |
▼Cwx.lib.mixins.listctrl.ColumnSorterMixin | |
Cgui.controls.SortedListCtrl | Sortable ListCtrl |
▼Cwx.ListCtrl | |
Cgui.controls.SortedListCtrl | Sortable ListCtrl |
▼Cwx.MDIParentFrame | |
Cgui.MainWindow | Main window of our application |
▼Cwx.Panel | |
►Cgui.UIBasePanelOpenPositionDetails.UIBasePanelOpenPositionDetails | |
►Cgui.UIBasePanelOpenPositionList.UIBasePanelOpenPositionList | |
►Cgui.UIBasePanelSummary.UIBasePanelSummary | |
►Cgui.UIBasePanelWatchList.UIBasePanelWatchList | |
Cgui.controls.PositionDetailsPanel | A panel to show all information of a position |
Cgui.controls.ShareDetailsPanel | A panel to show all information about a share |
Cgui.controls.SortedListPanel | Base class of a panel with a sortable list inside |
Cgui.controls.WatchDetailsPanel | A panel to show all information of a watch list entry |
▼Cwx.Validator | |
►Cgui.controls.BaseValidator | Base class for all validators |